Q: What should I do if I have a problem with my order?
A: Please use the contact form here to reach out to me and I’ll do my best to help you out with that.
Q: What forms of payment are accepted in your shop?
A: I accept all major credit cards and Apple Pay.
Q: Do you do commissions?
A: Yes, though I can’t always promise availability for commissioned work. For commission inquiries, please feel free to reach out to me here.
Q: I found your artwork for sale online and I’m not sure it’s you.
A: Please contact me if you suspect that someone has stolen my work. I’m familiar with the process of issuing a DMCA takedown notice and will absolutely do so to protect the integrity of my work. Thank you.
Q: Why don’t you sell your fan art on other online marketplaces like Etsy and Redbubble?
A: Online marketplaces are touchy about fan art and there’s a good chance it will be taken down (I know from experience). You’re probably thinking, “But there’s so much!” and yeah, you’re right, there’s a ton of fan art on virtually any online marketplace you can name. But it’s getting taken down constantly, and I don’t want to run that risk.
Sites like Etsy have a secret scorecard for each seller that tracks their reviews, their customer service record, the complaints that have been filed against them, and how many of their listings have been taken down for TOS violations. Although this is ultimately a good thing to protect buyers, it means that if I were to list fan art on Etsy, if it got taken down it could have adverse effects on all of my shops.
This is why I prefer to sell my fan art strictly on my website. My website is a safe space that won’t affect any of my other shops on other marketplaces.