Moon Goddess Update 3 (+Inktober)
Moon Goddess: Crone Aspect
It's been a long and grueling road, but in the time since my last update I've completed not only my first, but also my second Moon Goddess painting. The Crone and Matron aspects of the triple goddess are finished-- all that remains is the Maiden. I have one week left before the cutoff for work to be published in the book of the project. Against my better judgment, I've decided to make a push to complete my final piece.
It's a tedious and time consuming process. I don't necessarily look forward to forcing that kind of labor out of myself for yet another week, but I know that if I can accomplish the task, my satisfaction will be that much sweeter. Furthermore, I've been looking to gather cohesive works to display in my portfolio. The more Moon Goddess paintings I have to show, the better.
Moon Goddess: Matron Aspect
On the side of Moon Goddess, I've had a few other projects to keep me busy. Perhaps the most enjoyable has been Inktober: a month-long tribute to the art of ink drawings. The challenge for most is to produce one Inktober drawing a day for the entire month, but I haven't had the time for that kind of dedication. Instead I've simply produced one whenever time has allowed. I've taken advantage of the opportunity to refine my ability to draw figures from the imagination, and though the results aren't something I'm going to show off through the course of my career, it's certainly been an educational undertaking. This month has demonstrated a marked improvement in my drawing skills.